While primarily an industrial area, going east along NE Columbia Boulevard from NE Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard there is a small residential area along NE Marine Drive. On the northern edge of the predominant warehouse district there is a broad area of wetlands including sections of the Columbia Slough where migrating waterfowl and other wildlife live. Also, the is a small collection of contemporary homes and houseboats along the river and pockets of new construction to the south of NE Marine Drive.

Population 718
Area 1,115 acres
Population Density 0 persons per acre
Male Population 655 (91%)
Female Population 63 (9%)
Households 43 (95% occupied)
Home Owners 58% (25)
Renters 37% (16)
Household Size 16.70 avg

2010 Census data

Columbia Corridor Business Association

Columbia Slough Watershed Council

Dignity Village Volunteers


Included in Sunderland is the site of Dignity Village. Dignity is a self-sustaining community of homeless. In 2004 there were nine eco houses that were built in Dignity Village by residents and volunteers with eight more on the way.

Learning methods of sustainable and eco-friendly living, residents are practicing techniques such as permaculture, rainwater collection, green roofs and construction using cob or straw-bales.


Links to Dignity Village
