Is your group looking for funding for community activities that engage people in Central NE? If so, submit a project proposal for 2019 community projects! This year a total of $10,000 is available to community groups. Grants are from $1,000 up to $3,000.
The goals of the small grants program include increasing the diversity of community participation, building and strengthening leadership and community connections.
Check out the 2019 CNN Grant Application and find out about the grant program goals, what we fund, and a list of past projects!
Project Proposals Due:
Tuesday, November 13, 2018 by 4:00 PM
CNN Grant Manager at 503-823-2780 or
For online information on the CNN Small Grants Program click here
The Community & Civic Engagement Small Grants Program has been made possible through funding by the City of Portland, Office of Community & Civic Life.