Neighbors advocate for street improvements in areas that have been under-invested such as NE 82nd & 60th Max station areas, NE Halsey safety and access to transit and the NE 72 pedestrian & bikeway to Killingsworth in Cully. City staff are proposing transportation options and concept plans with input from the community managed by PBOT’s Growing Transit Communities (funded in part by the State Transportation Growth Management Grant-TGM).
Recently Roseway, Rose City Park, Cully, and the 82nd Ave. Improvement Coalition hosted conversations on how to improve travel for all modes. The 82nd Improvement Coalition is an effort by a group of advocates desiring to transform 82nd into a City street that serves the community with safe access. The conversation hosted at the Dharma Rain Center, nestled a block East of 82nd across from Madison High School, provided opportunities for community input on the 82nd study: Understanding Barriers to Development with the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS). This effort involves exploring opportunities within new mixed use & employment zones, and commercial development on this key transit corridor under the jurisdiction of the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT ). The ODOT jurisdiction for 82nd limits desired street improvements that can be implemented, thus community members are advocating for safe access , connectivity, and street amenities. This project is funded in part by a Metro Community Planning and Development Grant and will involve the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT). The ODOT 82nd Ave. of Roses Implementation Plan is to create a list of feasible projects to improve safety, mobility, and access for people using 82nd Ave. to Killingsworth.
As for the Max stations, PBOT has been working with the neighborhood and property owners on the design for needed sidewalks, bike lanes, safe crossings, traffic calming, greenways connecting to safe routes. Construction may come as soon as 2018 for the 60th from the Max Station to Halsey in line with a scheduled paving project. This is funded in part by Transportation System Development Charges (TSDC). These efforts come on the heals of community advocacy as Metro prioritized improvements. Rose City Park has been advocating for adequate sidewalks close to 10 years ago.
Cully, one of the most diverse neighborhoods in Oregon emerged with active leadership that continues to work with the City for safe connected streets. This is an area where a lack of direct bus routes to downtown requires residents to walk on streets with no sidewalks or designated safe routes for all modes. The Connected Cully: NE 72nd Ave. project managed by PBOT funded by a Metro grant is to enhance walking and biking through the heart of the neighborhood along NE 72nd. This will connect residents to schools, businesses, and foster needed access to parks and greenspace in Cully and Roseway. Traffic calming and pedestrian crossing improvements from NE Sandy to Prescott are part of the Active Transportation and Complete Streets Metro grant regional flexible funding. The project also includes lighting, street trees, and place-making elements.