Are you aware that ONI has a tool that allows you to sign up and receive news and information to connect the people of Portland with opportunities for engagement around City decision making and public policy, community livability and safety, and promotion of networking and collaboration among communities and neighborhoods?
This service is known as ONI Notification and I’m sure some of you have been past subscribers. You are receiving this message because whether or not you are a past subscriber or someone who has not yet subscribed you will need to go through the subscription process if you want to receive these updates.
Back in December there was a problem with the City’s news subscription service. A result of this technical issue was the loss of all users that had subscribed to receive news updates from our ONI Blog (Neighborhood News/ONI Notification) At that time we had approximately 2000 subscribers. So what this means even to those of you that had subscribed in the past is that you will need to re-subscribe!
The subscription service allows you to receive daily, weekly or monthly updates from the City regarding a number of different categories of City related news.
So if you are interested in receiving notifications from ONI via this subscription service follow these steps:
Go to the City website at and click “Sign In” in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
If you already have an account, sign in with your user name and password (if you can’t recall your password there is a password remind option you can click). If you don’t have an account there is an option to create one.
Once signed in, scroll to the very bottom of the screen and click the “Subscribe” link under the Access header and then you will see a pop up box where you can select any of the category types of updates you would like to receive.